Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

1. Whole

( 2 week )

Student will be taught to :

1. Understand the concept of whole numbers.

2. Perform computations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to solve problems.

3. Perform computations involving multiplication and division of whole numbers to solve problems.

4. Perform computations involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers to solve problems. Student will be able to

i. Count, read, and write whole numbers.
ii. Identify place value and value of each digit in whole numbers.
iii. Round off whole numbers.

i. Add whole numbers.
ii. Solve problems involving addition of whole numbers.
iii. Subtract whole numbers.
iv. Solve problems involving subtraction of whole numbers.

i. Multiply two or more numbers.
ii. Solve problems involving multiplication of whole numbers.
iii. Divide a whole number by a smaller whole numbers.
iv. Solve problems involving division of whole numbers.

i. Perform computations involving any combinations involving any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, including the use of brackets.
ii. Solve problems involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, including the use of brackets.
i. Mastery
ii. Constructivism
iii. Thinking Skill

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

2. Number
Patterns and

(3 week) Student will be taught to :

1. Recognize and extend number patterns and sequences formed by counting on and counting back in.

2. Recognize odd and even numbers and make general statement about them.

3. Understand the characteristic of prime numbers.

4. Understand and use the knowledge of multiples of whole number.

5. Understand the characteristics use the knowledge of common multiples and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of whole numbers. Student will be able to:-

i. Describe the pattern of given number
ii. Extend number sequence.
iii. Complete missing terms in given number sequence
iv. Construct number sequence base on given patterns.

i. Identify and describe odd and even numbers.
ii. Make general statements about odd and even

i. Identify the characteristics of prime number.
ii. Determine whether a given number is a prime number.
iii. Determine all the prime numbers less then 100.

i. List the multiples of whole numbers.
ii. Determine whether a number is the multiple of
another number.

i. Find the common multiples of two or three whole numbers.
ii. Determine whether a number is the common multiple of two or three given numbers.
iii. Determine the LCM of two or three given numbers.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

2. Number Patterns and Sequences.
Student will be taught to :

6. Understand the characteristics and use the knowledge of whole numbers.

7. Understand the characteristics and use the knowledge of prime factor of whole numbers.

8. Understand and use the knowledge of common factors and Highest Common Factors (HCF) of whole numbers.
Student will be able to:

i. List factors of whole numbers.
ii. Determine whether a number is a factor of
another whole numbers.

i. Identify prime factors from a list of factors.
ii. Find prime factor(s) of whole numbers.
iii. Determine whether a number is a prime factor a another whole number.

i. Find common factors of two or three whole numbers.
ii. Determine whether a number is a common factor of two or three given whole numbers.
iii. Determine the HCF of two or three given numbers.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

3. Fractions

( 4 Weeks )
Student will be taught to;-

1. Understand and knowledge
of fraction as part of a

2. Understand and use knowledge of equivalent fractions.

3. Understand the concept of mixed numbers and their representations.

4. Understand the concept of proper fractions and improper fractions.

Student will be able to:-

i. Read fractions.
ii. Describe fractions as part of a whole.
iii. Represent fractions with diagrams.
iv. Write fraction for given diagrams.

i. Find equivalent fractions for given fraction.
ii. Determine whether two given fractions are
iii. Compare the values of two given fractions.
iv. Arrange fractions in order.
v. Simplify fractions to the lowest term.

i. Recognize mixed numbers.
ii Represent mixed numbers with diagrams.
iii. Write missed numbers based on given
iv. Compare and order mixed numbers on number

i. Recognize proper and improper fractions from
given fractions.
ii. Change mixed numbers into improper fractions.
iii. Change improper fractions into mixed numbers.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

3. Fractions
Student will be taught to:

5. Understand the concept of addition and subtraction of fractions to solve problems

6. Understand the concept of multiplication and division of fractions to solve problems.
Student will be able to :

i. Perform addition involving:
a) Fraction with common denominators.
b) Fraction with different denominators.
c) Whole numbers and fractions
d) Fractions and mixed numbers.

ii. Perform subtraction involving:
a) Fraction with common denominators
b) Fraction with different denominators.
c) Whole numbers and fractions.
d) Fractions and mixed numbers.
e) Mixed numbers

i. Multiply :
a) A whole number by a fraction or mixed number.
b) A fraction by a whole number.
c) A fraction by a fraction (include mixed numbers)
ii. Solve problem involving multiplication of fraction.
iii. Divide :
a) A fraction by a whole number.
b) A fraction by a fraction.
c) A whole number by fraction.
d) A mixed number by mixed numbers.
iv. Solve problems involving division of fractions.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

3. Fractions
Student will be taught to :

7. Perform computations involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions to solve problems.
Student will be able to :

i. Perform computation involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions including the use of brackets.

ii. Solve problem involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, including the use of brackets.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

4. Decimals

( 2 Weeks )
Student will be taught to :

1. Understand the relationship between decimals and fraction.

2. Understand the concept of place value and value of digit in decimals.

3. Understand the concept of addition and subtraction of decimals to solve problems.
Student will be able to :

i. Represent fraction 1 and 1 as decimals and
10 100
vise - versa.
ii. Represent fractions with denominators 10, 100 and 1000 as decimals.
iii. Read and write decimals to thousandths.
iv. Change fraction to decimals and vise- versa.

i. State the place value and value of each digit in decimals.
ii. Compare the values of two given decimals.
iii. Arrange decimals in order.
iv. Round decimals to the nearest whole number or up to three decimal places.

i. Add decimals.
ii. Solve problems involving addition of decimals.
iii. Subtract decimals.
iv. Solve problems involving subtraction of

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

4. Decimals

( 2 weeks )
Student will be taught to :

4. Understand the concept of multiplication and division of decimals to solve problems.

5. Perform computations involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals to solve problems.
Student will be able to :

i. Multiply two or more decimals.
ii. Solve problems involving multiplications of decimals.
iii. Divide :
a) A decimals by a whole number.
b) A decimals by decimals.
c) A decimals by fraction.
iv. Solve problems involving division of decimals.

i. Perform computations involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals, including the use of brackets.
ii. Solve problems involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals, including the use of brackets.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

5. Percentages

(3 Weeks)

6. Integers

( 2 week )
Student will be taught to:-

1. Understand the concept of percentages and investigate the relationship between percentages and fraction or decimals.

2. Perform computations and solve problems involving percentages.

Student will be taught to:-

1. Understand and use the knowledge of integers.

2. Perform computations involving addition and subtraction of integers to solve problems.
Student will be taught to:-

i. Express percentages as the number of part in every 100.
ii. Change fractions and decimals to percentages and vise-versa.

i. Find the percentage of a quantity.
ii. Find the percentage one number is of another.
iii. Find the number given the percentage.
iv. Find the percentage of increase or decrease.
v. Solve problems involving percentages.

Student will be able to:-

i. Read and write integers.
ii. Represent integers on number lines.
iii. Compare the values of two integers.
iv. Arrange integers in order.
v. Write positive or negative numbers to

i. Add integers.
ii. Solve problems involving addition of integers.
iii. Subtract integers.
iv. Solve problems involving subtraction of integers.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

7. Algebraic Expressions

( 4 weeks )
Student will be taught to:-

1. Understand the concept of unknowns.

2. Understand the concept of algebraic terms.

3. Understand the concept of algebraic expression.
Student will be able to:-

i. Use alphabets to represent unknown numbers.
ii. Identify unknowns in given situations.

i. Identify algebraic terms with one unknown.
ii. Identify coefficients in given algebraic terms with one unknown.
iii. Identify like and unlike algebraic terms with one unknown.
iv. State like terms for a given term.

i Recognize algebraic expressions.
ii. Determine the number of terms in given algebraic expressions.
iii. Simplify algebraic expressions by combining the like terms.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills
8. Basic

(2 weeks) Student will be taught to:-
1. Understand the concept of length to solve problems.

2. Understand the concept of mass to solve problems.

3. Understand the concept of time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

4. Understand and use times in the twelve-hour and twenty-four hour system to solve problem. Student will be able to:-
i. Measure the length of objects.
ii. Make conversions between metric units. (mm, cm, m, and km)
iii. Estimate lengths of objects in appropriate units.
iv. Use the four operations to solve problems involving length.

i. Measure the mass of objects.
ii. Make conversions between metric units. (mg, g, kg, tone)
iii. Estimate masses of objects in appropriate units.
iv. Use the four operations to solve problems involving mass.

i. Determine the appropriate measurement of time for certain even.
ii. Convert measurement of time in different unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, month and years).
iii. Estimate the time intervals of events.
iv. Use the four operation to solve problems involving time.

i. Read and write times in twelve-hour system.
ii. Read and write times in twenty-four-hour system.
iii. Convert time in twelve-hour system to twenty-four-hour and vise-versa.
iv. Determine the interval between two given time.
v. Solve problems involving time.

Learning Area/
Week Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Teaching Aids / generic skills

9. Line and angles.

(4 weeks)
Student will be taught to:-

1. Understand the concept of angles.

2. Understand the concept of parallel and perpendicular lines.

3. Understand and use properties of angles associated with intersecting lines to solve problem.
Students should be able to:-

i. Recognize angles.
ii. Denote and label angles.
iii. Measure angles using protractors.
iv. Draw angles using protractor.
v. Recognize, compare and classify angles as acute, right and obtuse.
vi. Draw acute, right and obtuse angels using protractors.
vii. Determine angles on straight lines equal 180.
viii. Determine one whole turn is 360

i. Determine parallel lines.
ii. Determine perpendicular lines.
iii. State that angles formed by perpendicular line is 90.

i. Identify intersecting line.
ii. Determine the properties of vertical, complementary and supplementary angles.
iii. Determine the value of an angle on a line, given the adjacent angle.
iv. Solve problems involving angles formed by intersecting lines.

10. Polygons.

( 2 week ) Student will be taught to:-
1. Understand the
concept of polygons

2. Understand the concept of symmetry.

3. Identify and use the geometric properties of triangles to solve problem.

4. Identify and use the geometric properties of the quadrilaterals to solve problems.
Students should be able to:-
i. Recognize polygons.
ii. Name polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon)
iii. Determine the numbers of side, vertices and diagonals of given polygons.
iv. Sketch polygons.

i. Determine and draw the line(s) of symmetry of shapes.
ii. Complete shapes given part of the shapes and its line of symmetry.
iii. Draw designs using the concept of symmetry.

i. Determine and draw symmetry line(s) of given triangles.
ii. Draw triangles using protractors and rulers.
iii. State the geometric properties of the different types of triangles and name the triangles.
iv. Determine the sum of the angles of a triangle ins 180.
v. Solve problem involving triangles.

i. Determine and draw symmetry line(s) of given quadrilaterals.
ii. Draw a quadrilateral using protractors and rulers.
iii. State the geometric properties of the different types of quadrilaterals and name
iv. Determine the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360.
v. Solve problems involving quadrilaterals.
11. Perimeter and

( 2 weeks )

12. Solid

( 2 weeks ) Student will be taught to:-

1. Understand the concept of perimeter to solve problems.

2. Understand the concept of area of rectangles to solve problems.

3. Understand the concept of area of triangles, parallelograms and trapezium to solve problems.

1. Understand geometric properties of cube and cuboids.

2. Understand the
concept of volumes of
cuboids to solve
problems. Students should be able to:-

i. Identify the perimeter of a region.
ii. Find the perimeter of a region enclosed by straight lines.
iii. Solve problems involving perimeter.

i. Estimate the area of a shape.
ii. Find the area of a rectangle.
iii. Solve problems involving areas.

i. Identify the heights of triangles, parallelograms and trapezium.
ii. Find the areas of triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums.
iii. Find the areas of figures made up of triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums.
iv. Solve problems involving the area of triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums.

i. Identify geometric solids.
ii. State the geometric properties of cubes and cuboids.
iii. Draw cubes and cuboids on
a) Square grids
b) Blank papers
iv. Make models of cubes and cuboids by:
a) Combining given faces
b) Folding given layouts of solids.

i. Estimate the volume of cuboids.
ii. Find the volume of cuboids.
iii. Solve problems involving volume of cuboids.
Jil. 49
Warta Kerajaan
9 1hb Mei 2005
P.U. (A) 176.
1. Nama dan permulaan kuat kuasa
2. Pemakaian
3. Pemakaian tatacara pelantikan
4. Tafsiran
5. Pelantikan mengikut skim perkhidmatan
6. Pelantikan untuk warganegara sahaja
P.U. (A) 176. 842
7. Pelantikan semula pegawai tetap yang telah meletakkan jawatan
8. Pelantikan semula pegawai yang telah dibersarakan atas sebab kesihatan
9. Pelantikan semula pegawai yang telah ditamatkan perkhidmatan atau
dibuang kerja
10. Pelantikan pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat
11. Kembali ke dalam perkhidmatan terdahulu
12. Peminjaman pegawai
13. Pertukaran sementara
14. Tatacara pengambilan
15. Maklumat perjawatan
16. Kelulusan setaraf
17. Permohonan daripada pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat
18. Tawaran pelantikan oleh Suruhanjaya
19. Pemeriksaan kesihatan dan akuan berkanun
20. Surat setuju terima
21. Tarikh pelantikan
22. Tarikh pelantikan tetap bagi pegawai sementara
23. Penetapan gaji permulaan
24. Gaji permulaan bagi kes khas
25. Pergerakan gaji tahunan
26. Tempoh percubaan
27. Syarat pengesahan
28. Pelanjutan tempoh percubaan
843 P.U. (A) 176.
29. Tarikh pengesahan
30. Kesan pelanjutan tempoh percubaan dengan denda
31. Pemberitahuan tentang pengesahan
32. Kaedah penetapan kekananan
33. Kekananan pegawai yang kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan
34. Kekananan pegawai yang diberikan cuti tanpa gaji
35. Opsyen bagi Skim Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
36. Pemberian taraf berpencen
37. Asas kenaikan pangkat
38. Syarat kenaikan pangkat
39. Kenaikan pangkat pegawai yang dalam peminjaman atau pertukaran
40. Pengiklanan kekosongan jawatan kenaikan pangkat
41. Tarikh kenaikan pangkat
42. Penetapan gaji kenaikan pangkat
43. Tarikh pergerakan gaji jawatan kenaikan pangkat
44. Pemangkuan dan penanggungan kerja
45. Elaun pemangkuan dan penanggungan kerja
46. Penamatan perkhidmatan pegawai yang belum disahkan
47. Penamatan perkhidmatan pegawai yang gagal disahkan
P.U. (A) 176. 844
48. Kuasa menamatkan perkhidmatan
49. Peluang untuk menunjukkan sebab
50. Notis penamatan perkhidmatan
51. Notis peletakan jawatan
52. Kuat kuasa notis peletakan jawatan
53. Pemendekan notis peletakan jawatan
54. Peletakan jawatan tidak perlu
55. Pelantikan pegawai kontrak
56. Penamatan perkhidmatan dan peletakan jawatan pegawai kontrak
57. Umur dan tarikh lahir
58. Umur persaraan
59. Kuasa Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam
60. Kecualian dan peralihan
61. Pembatalan
845 P.U. (A) 176.
PADA menjalankan kuasa yang diberikan oleh Fasal (2) Perkara 132 Perlembagaan
Persekutuan, Yang di-Pertuan Agong membuat peraturan-peraturan yang berikut:
Nama dan permulaan kuat kuasa
1. (1) Peraturan-peraturan ini bolehlah dinamakan Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai
Awam (Pelantikan, Kenaikan Pangkat dan Penamatan Perkhidmatan) 2005.
(2) Peraturan-Peraturan ini mula berkuat kuasa pada 1 Mei 2005.
2. Tertakluk kepada peruntukan-peruntukan Bahagian X Perlembagaan
Persekutuan, Peraturan-Peraturan ini hendaklah terpakai bagi semua pelantikan,
kenaikan pangkat dan penamatan perkhidmatan dalam perkhidmatan awam.
Pemakaian tatacara pelantikan
3. (1) Tatacara yang dinyatakan dalam Peraturan-Peraturan ini bagi membuat
pelantikan ke dalam perkhidmatan awam di bawah bidang kuasa suatu Suruhanjaya
hendaklah terpakai bagi semua pelantikan tetap atau sementara, melainkan
pelantikan tertentu yang dikecualikan oleh Suruhanjaya.
(2) Tatacara pelantikan bagi pegawai kontrak hendaklah ditentukan oleh
Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam.
4. Dalam Peraturan-Peraturan ini, melainkan jika konteksnya menghendaki
makna yang lain—
“jabatan” termasuklah—
(a) sesuatu Kementerian;
(b) sesuatu Jabatan Persekutuan di peringkat persekutuan, wilayah, negeri,
atau daerah dalam Persekutuan;
(c) sesuatu Jabatan Persekutuan di luar negara; dan
(d) mana-mana entiti lain dalam perkhidmatan awam sebagaimana yang
ditentukan oleh Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam;
P.U. (A) 176. 846
“kenaikan pangkat” ertinya peningkatan secara hakiki dari satu gred ke suatu
gred yang lebih tinggi dalam perkhidmatan dan skim perkhidmatan yang sama
dengan kelulusan Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat;
“Ketua Jabatan” ertinya seseorang pegawai yang mengetuai sesuatu jabatan
atau Ketua Perkhidmatan, mengikut mana-mana yang berkenaan;
“Ketua Perkhidmatan” ertinya seseorang pegawai yang mengetuai sesuatu
“pegawai” ertinya semua kategori pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat yang
dilantik oleh Suruhanjaya secara tetap, sementara atau kontrak;
“pelantikan” ertinya pelantikan ke dalam perkhidmatan awam oleh Suruhanjaya
secara tetap, sementara atau kontrak, termasuklah pelantikan kali pertama dan
pelantikan seseorang pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat di dalam mana-mana
skim perkhidmatan;
“pemangkuan”, yang berhubungan dengan pegawai awam, ertinya pelaksanaan
tugas oleh seseorang pegawai secara sepenuh masa, suatu jawatan lain yang
lebih tinggi grednya daripada gred hakiki pegawai itu dalam perkhidmatan dan
skim perkhidmatan yang sama dengan kelulusan Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat;
“penanggungan kerja”, yang berhubungan dengan pegawai awam, ertinya
pelaksanaan tugas, di samping tugasnya sendiri bagi suatu tempoh yang dinyatakan,
suatu jawatan lain yang diluluskan oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan;
“pengamal perubatan berdaftar” ertinya pengamal perubatan yang didaftarkan
di bawah Akta Perubatan 1971 [Akta 50];
“perkhidmatan awam” ertinya perkhidmatan awam Persekutuan di bawah
perenggan (b), (c), (d) dan (h) Fasal (1) Perkara 132 Perlembagaan Persekutuan;
“pertukaran sementara” ertinya pelantikan seseorang pegawai ke perkhidmatan
yang lain di bawah perenggan (a), (b), (c), ( d ) dan (h) Fasal (1) Perkara 132
Perlembagaan Persekutuan atau pelantikan ke suatu jawatan dalam skim
perkhidmatan yang lain di bawah pihak berkuasa melantik yang sama untuk
tempoh tertentu tanpa memutuskan ikatan pegawai dengan perkhidmatan
“peminjaman” ertinya pelantikan seseorang pegawai perkhidmatan di bawah
perenggan (a), (b), (c), (d) dan (h) Fasal (1) Perkara 132 Perlembagaan Persekutuan
(a) perkhidmatan di bawah perenggan (g) Fasal (1) Perkara 132
Perlembagaan Persekutuan;
(b) pihak berkuasa berkanun;
(c) pihak berkuasa tempatan; atau
(d) mana-mana organisasi di dalam atau di luar Malaysia,
847 P.U. (A) 176.
untuk tempoh tertentu tanpa memutuskan ikatan pegawai dengan perkhidmatan
terdahulunya, termasuk pelantikan pegawai di bawah perenggan (f) Fasal (1)
Perkara 132 Perlembagaan Persekutuan ke perkhidmatan pihak berkuasa berkanun,
pihak berkuasa tempatan atau organisasi di dalam atau di luar Malaysia;
“Suruhanjaya” ertinya Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam, Suruhanjaya
Perkhidmatan Kehakiman dan Perundangan, Suruhanjaya Pasukan Polis dan
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan, mengikut mana-mana yang berkenaan.
Pelantikan mengikut skim perkhidmatan
5. (1) Semua pelantikan ke dalam perkhidmatan awam hendaklah mengikut
syarat yang dinyatakan dalam skim perkhidmatan yang sedang berkuat kuasa
pada masa itu.
(2) Tertakluk kepada subperaturan (1) jika ada apa-apa syarat yang dinyatakan
dalam mana-mana skim perkhidmatan perlu dipinda, Ketua Jabatan hendaklah
terlebih dahulu mendapatkan kelulusan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam.
Pelantikan untuk warganegara sahaja
6. (1) Semua calon bagi pelantikan ke dalam perkhidmatan awam mestilah
warganegara Malaysia.
(2) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh, atas
alasan kepentingan negara, membenarkan pelantikan seseorang yang bukan
warganegara secara kontrak dan peruntukan dalam Bahagian X hendaklah terpakai
kepada pegawai itu.
Pelantikan semula pegawai tetap yang telah meletakkan jawatan
7. Seseorang pegawai tetap yang telah meletakkan jawatan tidak boleh dilantik
semula ke dalam perkhidmatan awam kecuali dengan kebenaran khas Suruhanjaya,
setelah menimbang laporan daripada Ketua Jabatan tempat pegawai itu berkhidmat
sebelum peletakan jawatannya mengenai sebab peletakan jawatannya.
Pelantikan semula pegawai yang telah dibersarakan atas sebab kesihatan
8. (1) Seseorang pegawai yang telah dibersarakan atas sebab kesihatan boleh
dilantik semula ke dalam perkhidmatan awam jika pegawai itu disahkan sihat
dan berkeupayaan melaksanakan tugasnya dengan memuaskan oleh suatu panel
perubatan yang ditubuhkan atas permintaan Suruhanjaya.
(2) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1), panel perubatan itu hendaklah mengandungi
tidak kurang daripada dua orang pengamal perubatan berdaftar, yang salah
seorang daripada mereka adalah pakar dalam penyakit yang pernah dihidapi
oleh pegawai itu.
P.U. (A) 176. 848
Pelantikan semula pegawai yang telah ditamatkan perkhidmatan atau dibuang
9. Seseorang pegawai yang telah ditamatkan perkhidmatan atau dibuang kerja
tidak boleh dilantik semula ke dalam perkhidmatan awam kecuali dengan kebenaran
khas Suruhanjaya.
Pelantikan pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat
10. Seseorang pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat boleh dilantik ke suatu jawatan
dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain jika pegawai itu mematuhi syarat yang
dikehendaki oleh skim perkhidmatan yang lain itu.
Kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulu
11. (1) Seseorang pegawai yang telah disahkan dalam skim perkhidmatan
terdahulunya sebelum dilantik ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain boleh
dibenarkan oleh Suruhanjaya untuk kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan
terdahulunya apabila gagal untuk disahkan ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang
lain itu.
(2) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), Suruhanjaya boleh membenarkan pegawai
itu kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulunya dalam tempoh tiga tahun
dari tarikh kuat kuasa pelantikannya ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain itu
(a) ada kekosongan jawatan dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulu pegawai
(b) kegagalan pegawai itu untuk disahkan bukanlah atas sebab kelakuannya
yang tidak memuaskan; dan
(c) persetujuan Ketua Perkhidmatan yang berkenaan diperoleh.
(3) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1), pegawai itu hendaklah diberikan mata
gaji yang sama dengan yang diterimanya sehari sebelum tarikh pegawai itu
dilantik ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain itu.
Peminjaman pegawai
12. (1) Seseorang pegawai boleh, dengan persetujuan pegawai itu sendiri dan
Ketua Jabatannya dan dengan kelulusan Suruhanjaya, dipinjamkan, tertakluk
kepada apa-apa syarat dan bagi apa-apa tempoh sebagaimana yang boleh ditentukan
oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong, kepada mana-mana perkhidmatan awam Negeri,
pihak berkuasa berkanun, pihak berkuasa tempatan atau mana-mana organisasi,
di dalam atau di luar Malaysia.
(2) Seseorang pegawai perkhidmatan awam Negeri boleh dipertimbangkan
oleh Suruhanjaya untuk dipinjamkan kepada perkhidmatan awam tertakluk kepada
apa-apa syarat dan bagi apa-apa tempoh sebagaimana yang boleh ditentukan
oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
849 P.U. (A) 176.
Pertukaran sementara
13. Seseorang pegawai boleh, dengan kelulusan Suruhanjaya, dilantik secara
pertukaran sementara kepada mana-mana jawatan dalam perkhidmatan awam
tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat dan bagi apa-apa tempoh sebagaimana yang
boleh ditentukan oleh Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam.
Tatacara pengambilan
14. (1) Apa-apa pengambilan pegawai ke dalam perkhidmatan awam hendaklah
diiklankan dalam sekurang-kurangnya satu akhbar harian bahasa Melayu.
(2) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1), iklan itu hendaklah menyatakan antara
(a) nama jawatan dan taraf pelantikan;
(b) nama skim perkhidmatan;
(c) maklumat gaji;
(d) kelayakan akademik dan kelayakan lain yang dikehendaki;
(e) taraf kewarganegaraan pemohon;
(f) tarikh tutup permohonan; dan
(g) alamat ke mana permohonan patut dikirimkan.
(3) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), Suruhanjaya boleh dalam hal keadaan
khas menggunakan apa-apa cara lain yang difikirkannya sesuai.
Maklumat perjawatan
15. (1) Dalam tiap-tiap urusan pengambilan, Ketua Jabatan hendaklah
memaklumkan Suruhanjaya maklumat perjawatan seperti yang berikut:
(a) jumlah jawatan kosong yang perlu diisi;
(b) jumlah calon simpanan yang dikehendaki;
(c) syarat khas jika dikehendaki; dan
(d) perihal tugas dan tanggungjawab bagi jawatan kosong itu.
(2) Jika kelayakan atau apa-apa syarat lain dalam skim perkhidmatan bagi
jawatan kosong itu perlu dipinda bagi urusan pengambilan itu, Ketua Jabatan
hendaklah terlebih dahulu mendapatkan kelulusan Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan
Awam sebelum memaklumkan Suruhanjaya sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh
subperaturan (1).
P.U. (A) 176. 850
Kelulusan setaraf
16. Jika ada keraguan dalam mana-mana skim perkhidmatan atau iklan
kekosongan tentang maksud kelulusan yang setaraf, maka perkara itu hendaklah
dirujuk kepada Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam untuk penentuan.
Permohonan daripada pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat
17. Permohonan daripada pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat hendaklah
dikemukakan kepada Suruhanjaya melalui Ketua Jabatan yang hendaklah
menghantarkan permohonan itu kepada Suruhanjaya bersama dengan maklumat
perkhidmatan yang dikehendaki dan ulasan Ketua Jabatan sama ada Ketua
Jabatan itu menyokong atau tidak permohonan itu.
Tawaran pelantikan oleh Suruhanjaya
18. (1) Suruhanjaya hendaklah membuat tawaran pelantikan kepada calon yang
berjaya melalui Ketua Jabatan dan hendaklah juga memaklumkan calon yang
tidak berjaya.
(2) Suruhanjaya boleh mengarahkan Ketua Jabatan supaya membuat tawaran
pelantikan kepada calon yang berjaya bagi pihak Suruhanjaya, dan Ketua Jabatan
yang telah diarahkan sedemikian hendaklah menghantarkan kepada Suruhanjaya
suatu salinan surat tawaran pelantikan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Ketua Jabatan
(3) Tiap-tiap surat tawaran pelantikan hendaklah menyatakan apa-apa maklumat
perkhidmatan yang ditetapkan oleh Suruhanjaya.
Pemeriksaan kesihatan dan akuan berkanun
19. (1) Tiap-tiap calon yang akan dilantik ke dalam perkhidmatan awam hendaklah
mematuhi syarat yang berikut:
(a) calon itu hendaklah diperiksa dan diperakui sihat untuk berkhidmat
oleh pengamal perubatan berdaftar;
(b) calon itu hendaklah membuat suatu akuan berkanun di bawah Akta
Akuan Berkanun 1960 [Akta 13] bahawa dia—
(i) tidak mempunyai apa-apa rekod jenayah;
(ii) tidak pernah dibuang kerja;
(iii) bukannya penagih dadah;
(iv) tidak memiliki kewarganegaraan asing; dan
(v) bukan seorang bankrap.
(c) calon itu hendaklah menandatangani Surat Aku Janji sebagaimana
yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Pertama bahawa calon itu akan mematuhi
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993
851 P.U. (A) 176.
[P.U. (A) 395/1993], Perintah-Perintah Am, pekeliling, surat pekeliling,
peraturan dan arahan lain yang dikeluarkan oleh Yang di-Pertuan
Agong dari semasa ke semasa sepanjang perkhidmatan calon itu dalam
(2) Suruhanjaya boleh membatalkan tawaran pelantikan jika calon itu didapati
tidak sihat setelah diperiksa mengikut perenggan (1)(a) atau tidak mematuhi
mana-mana syarat yang disebut dalam perenggan (1)(b) dan (c).
(3) Bagi maksud subperaturan (2), mana-mana calon yang telah mula
berkhidmat boleh dibayar apa-apa emolumen bagi tempoh perkhidmatannya.
(4) Seseorang pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat yang telah mematuhi syarat
subperaturan (1) boleh dikehendaki mematuhi syarat itu semula apabila dilantik
ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain.
(5) Bagi maksud pelantikan di bawah subperaturan 6(2), syarat dalam perenggan
(1)(b)(iv) adalah tidak terpakai bagi pegawai itu.
Surat setuju terima
20. Ketua Jabatan hendaklah menghantar kepada Suruhanjaya surat setuju
terima tawaran pelantikan daripada calon berserta dengan perakuan oleh pengamal
perubatan berdaftar, akuan berkanun dan Surat Aku Janji yang dikehendaki di
bawah peruntukan perenggan 19(1)(a), (b) dan (c), masing-masingnya, dan
hendaklah memaklumkan Suruhanjaya tarikh calon itu melaporkan diri untuk
Tarikh pelantikan
21. Tarikh pelantikan seseorang pegawai ke dalam perkhidmatan awam ialah
tarikh pegawai itu melaporkan diri untuk bertugas melainkan ditentukan selainnya
oleh Suruhanjaya.
Tarikh pelantikan tetap bagi pegawai sementara
22. Jika seseorang pegawai sementara yang mematuhi semua syarat yang
dinyatakan bagi mana-mana skim perkhidmatan dilantik untuk mengisi manamana
jawatan tetap yang kosong dalam skim perkhidmatan itu, tarikh pelantikan
pegawai itu ke dalam jawatan tetap itu adalah pada tarikh Suruhanjaya bermesyuarat
dan meluluskan pelantikan tetap itu.
Penetapan gaji permulaan
23. (1) Suruhanjaya hendaklah menentukan gaji permulaan seseorang pegawai.
P.U. (A) 176. 852
(2) Jika seseorang pegawai yang akan dilantik bagi kali pertama memiliki
pengalaman yang relevan dengan jawatan yang akan disandangnya, pegawai itu
boleh diberikan gaji permulaan yang lebih tinggi berdasarkan satu pergerakan
gaji biasa bagi tiap-tiap genap satu tahun pengalaman yang relevan itu.
(3) Pengalaman yang dianggap relevan bagi seseorang pegawai dalam
Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional ialah pengalaman yang diperoleh selepas
pegawai itu mendapat kelayakan profesional atau akademik sebagaimana yang
ditentukan dalam skim perkhidmatan yang berkenaan.
(4) Subperaturan (2) dan (3) hendaklah juga terpakai—
(a) bagi menentukan gaji permulaan seseorang pegawai yang belum disahkan
yang kemudiannya dilantik ke dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain;
(b) bagi menentukan gaji permulaan seseorang pegawai yang dilantik
semula mengikut peraturan 9.
(5) Jika seseorang pegawai yang telah disahkan kemudiannya dilantik ke
dalam skim perkhidmatan yang lain, gaji permulaan pegawai itu hendaklah pada
suatu mata gaji yang lebih tinggi sebagaimana yang hendaklah ditentukan oleh
Gaji permulaan bagi kes khas
24. Walau apa pun peraturan 23, Suruhanjaya boleh menentukan bahawa gaji
permulaan bagi seseorang calon atau pegawai yang dilantik adalah pada manamana
mata gaji bagi suatu jawatan tertentu setelah mengambil kira—
(a) kelayakan khas atau bakat calon atau pegawai yang dilantik itu; atau
(b) hal keadaan khas yang berhubungan dengan pelantikan calon atau
pegawai yang dilantik itu.
Pergerakan gaji tahunan
25. (1) Tarikh pergerakan gaji tahunan seseorang pegawai tetap dan sementara
hendaklah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua.
(2) Tarikh pergerakan gaji tahunan seseorang pegawai dalam peminjaman
atau pertukaran sementara hendaklah sebagaimana yang ditentukan oleh
(3) Pergerakan gaji tahunan seseorang pegawai hendaklah berasaskan
pencapaian kerja tahunan pegawai itu atau apa-apa syarat lain yang ditentukan
oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong dari semasa ke semasa.
Tempoh percubaan
26. (1) Seseorang pegawai yang dilantik ke dalam perkhidmatan awam
dikehendaki berkhidmat dalam percubaan bagi tempoh satu hingga tiga tahun.
853 P.U. (A) 176.
(2) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), Suruhanjaya boleh, dalam hal keadaan
khas, memendekkan tempoh percubaan seseorang pegawai atau mengecualikan
seseorang pegawai daripada tempoh percubaan.
Syarat pengesahan
27. (1) Seseorang pegawai dalam percubaan yang telah memenuhi semua syarat
yang dinyatakan dalam skim perkhidmatan atau apa-apa syarat lain yang boleh
ditentukan oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong dari semasa ke semasa, adalah layak
bagi pengesahan dalam perkhidmatannya.
(2) Ketua Jabatan hendaklah mengemukakan kepada Suruhanjaya perakuan
dalam borang yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Ketiga bagi pengesahan seseorang
pegawai di bawah kawalannya dalam tempoh satu bulan dari tarikh pegawai itu
didapati layak bagi pengesahan.
(3) Jika Ketua Jabatan gagal mengemukakan perakuan bagi pengesahan
seseorang pegawai mengikut subperaturan (2), pegawai itu boleh memohon
kepada Suruhanjaya untuk disahkan dan suatu salinan permohonan itu hendaklah
dihantar kepada Ketua Jabatan.
(4) Setelah menerima permohonan di bawah subperaturan (3), Suruhanjaya
boleh menjalankan suatu siasatan dan apabila selesai siasatan itu mengesahkan
pegawai itu jika Suruhanjaya mendapati pegawai itu layak bagi pengesahan.
Pelanjutan tempoh percubaan
28. (1) Suruhanjaya boleh melanjutkan tempoh percubaan seseorang pegawai
sama ada dengan atau tanpa denda.
(2) Seseorang pegawai yang tidak disahkan dalam perkhidmatannya dalam
tempoh yang ditetapkan hendaklah mengemukakan suatu permohonan bagi
pelanjutan tempoh percubaannya kepada Suruhanjaya melalui Ketua Jabatannya
dalam tempoh tiga bulan selepas tamat tempoh percubaannya.
(3) Ketua Jabatan hendaklah dengan segera memperakukan permohonan
pelanjutan tempoh percubaan pegawai itu yang dibuat mengikut subperaturan
(2) kepada Suruhanjaya.
(4) Bagi maksud subperaturan (3), Ketua Jabatan hendaklah mengemukakan
permohonan itu dalam borang yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Keempat, menyatakan
butir-butir seperti yang berikut:
(a) sebab pegawai itu tidak disahkan;
(b) syor Ketua Jabatan sama ada pelanjutan tempoh percubaan patut diberi
atau tidak, dan jika patut diberi, sama ada dengan atau tanpa denda;
(c) maklumat perkhidmatan pegawai yang dikemas kini; dan
(d) senarai peperiksaan, jika ada, yang telah diduduki oleh pegawai itu,
tarikh dan keputusan peperiksaan itu.
P.U. (A) 176. 854
(5) Suruhanjaya akan hanya meluluskan pelanjutan tempoh percubaan yang
diperakukan mengikut subperaturan (3) dan (4) jika ada alasan yang munasabah
bagi mempercayai bahawa pegawai itu berupaya mematuhi syarat-syarat bagi
pengesahan semasa tempoh pelanjutan yang dipohon itu dan Ketua Jabatan
mengesyorkan bahawa tempoh percubaan pegawai itu patut dilanjutkan.
(6) Tempoh percubaan seseorang pegawai hanya boleh dilanjutkan tidak
melebihi dua tahun, tetapi Suruhanjaya boleh dalam hal keadaan khas melanjutkan
tempoh percubaan melebihi dua tahun jika difikirkannya patut.
(7) Apa-apa keputusan yang dibuat oleh Suruhanjaya berkenaan dengan
permohonan pelanjutan tempoh percubaan seseorang pegawai hendaklah
disampaikan kepada pegawai itu oleh Suruhanjaya dalam tempoh satu bulan
dari tarikh keputusan itu.
Tarikh pengesahan
29. (1) Tarikh pengesahan dalam perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai yang telah
berjaya menyelesaikan tempoh percubaan asalnya atau yang dilanjutkan adalah
pada hari pertama selepas tarikh pegawai itu mematuhi semua syarat yang
(2) Seseorang pegawai hendaklah dianggap berada dalam percubaan sehingga
pegawai itu telah disahkan oleh Suruhanjaya, walaupun pegawai itu telah mematuhi
semua syarat yang ditetapkan bagi pengesahan itu.
Kesan pelanjutan tempoh percubaan dengan denda
30. Seseorang pegawai yang tempoh percubaannya dilanjutkan dengan denda
(a) hilang kekananannya bagi suatu tempoh yang sama dengan tempoh
pelanjutan itu;
(b) tidak layak mendapat apa-apa pergerakan gaji tahunan semasa tempoh
pelanjutan percubaannya dengan denda; dan
(c) diubah tarikh pergerakan gajinya mengikut tarikh pengesahannya berkuat
Pemberitahuan tentang pengesahan
31. Suruhanjaya hendaklah dengan segera memberitahu seseorang pegawai
tentang pengesahannya melalui Ketua Jabatan pegawai itu.
Kaedah penetapan kekananan
32. (1) Kekananan seseorang pegawai ditentukan seperti yang berikut:
(a) bagi seseorang pegawai dalam gred lantikan, mengikut tarikh pegawai
itu dilantik secara tetap; dan
855 P.U. (A) 176.
(b) bagi seseorang pegawai dalam gred kenaikan pangkat, mengikut tarikh
pegawai itu menyandang gred itu secara hakiki.
(2) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), jika dua atau lebih pegawai dilantik
secara tetap atau dinaikkan pangkat ke gred yang sama dalam skim perkhidmatan
yang sama pada tarikh yang sama, kekananan pegawai itu adalah disifatkan
sebagai sama.
Kekananan pegawai yang kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulunya
33. Seseorang pegawai yang kembali ke dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulunya
mengikut subperaturan 11(1) hilang kekananannya selama tempoh pegawai itu
berada di luar skim perkhidmatan terdahulunya.
Kekananan pegawai yang diberikan cuti tanpa gaji
34. Seseorang pegawai yang diberikan cuti tanpa gaji, selain cuti belajar tanpa
gaji, hilang kekananannya selama tempoh pegawai itu bercuti tanpa gaji itu.
Opsyen bagi Skim Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
35. Seseorang pegawai yang berhasrat untuk memilih Skim Kumpulan Wang
Simpanan Pekerja sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 6A Akta
Pencen 1980 [Akta 227] hendaklah melaksanakan opsyennya dengan menggunakan
borang yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kelima.
Pemberian taraf berpencen
36. (1) Seseorang pegawai yang tidak memilih Skim Kumpulan Wang Simpanan
Pekerja mengikut peraturan 35 layak diberi taraf berpencen mengikut undangundang
(2) Apabila seseorang pegawai menjadi layak untuk diberi taraf berpencen,
Ketua Jabatan pegawai itu hendaklah mengemukakan perakuannya, dalam borang
yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Keenam, kepada Suruhanjaya, berserta dengan
borang yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kelima yang telah ditandatangani sewajarnya
oleh pegawai itu.
Asas kenaikan pangkat
37. (1) Kenaikan pangkat seseorang pegawai adalah berasaskan merit.
P.U. (A) 176. 856
(2) Dalam mempertimbangkan seseorang pegawai bagi kenaikan pangkat,
Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat hendaklah mengambil kira—
(a) kecekapan dan prestasi kerja pegawai itu;
(b) kelayakan, pengetahuan, kemahiran dan pengalaman pegawai itu;
(c) sifat-sifat peribadi, termasuk kesesuaiannya dengan jawatan kenaikan
pangkat itu, keutuhan, potensi dan kepimpinan pegawai itu; dan
(d) kegiatan luar dan sumbangan pegawai itu kepada negara dan masyarakat.
(3) Sebagai tambahan kepada perkara yang dinyatakan dalam subperaturan
(2), Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat boleh mengambil kira aspek lain yang difikirkannya
(4) Walau apa pun subperaturan (1), jika dua atau lebih pegawai diputuskan
sama dari segi merit, kelayakan akademik atau pengalaman kerja yang berkaitan
dengan jawatan kenaikan pangkat di samping kekananan pegawai itu hendaklah
juga dijadikan asas bagi pemilihan dan diberi pertimbangan.
Syarat kenaikan pangkat
38. Walau apa pun peruntukan peraturan 37, seseorang pegawai hanya boleh
dipertimbangkan bagi kenaikan pangkat jika pegawai itu telah mematuhi semua
syarat yang dinyatakan dalam skim perkhidmatannya dan jika terdapat kekosongan
dalam jawatan kenaikan pangkat itu, melainkan jika skim perkhidmatan
memperuntukkan selainnya.
Kenaikan pangkat pegawai yang dalam peminjaman atau pertukaran
39. Jika seseorang pegawai dalam peminjaman mengikut subperaturan 12(1)
atau pertukaran sementara mengikut peraturan 13 dan telah mematuhi semua
syarat bagi kenaikan pangkat, pegawai itu hendaklah dipertimbangkan dalam
apa-apa urusan kenaikan pangkat yang dibuat yang berhubungan dengan skim
perkhidmatan hakikinya.
Pengiklanan kekosongan jawatan kenaikan pangkat
40. (1) Jika Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat yang berkenaan berpendapat bahawa
sesuatu kekosongan jawatan kenaikan pangkat hendaklah diisi dengan menjemput
pemohon yang berkelayakan dari suatu perkhidmatan tertentu di bawah jabatan
tertentu sahaja, Ketua Jabatan hendaklah mengiklankan kekosongan itu melalui
pekeliling jabatan.
(2) Jika terdapat suatu kekosongan jawatan kenaikan pangkat yang tidak
menghendaki suatu pengiklanan, Ketua Jabatan hendaklah membuat perakuan
kepada Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat yang berkenaan bagi pengisian kekosongan
itu dengan memperakukan pegawai yang layak, mengikut skim perkhidmatan,
bagi pertimbangan.
857 P.U. (A) 176.
(3) Bagi maksud subperaturan (2), Ketua Jabatan boleh memperakukan kepada
Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat apa-apa syarat tambahan yang akan dikenakan agar
memperoleh suatu bilangan yang lebih munasabah akan pegawai yang berkelayakan
Tarikh kenaikan pangkat
41. (1) Tertakluk kepada subperaturan (2) dan (3), tarikh kenaikan pangkat
seseorang pegawai ialah tarikh yang ditentukan oleh Lembaga Kenaikan Pangkat
yang berkenaan.
(2) Tarikh kenaikan pangkat ke gred tidak boleh lebih awal daripada tarikh
kekosongan atau tarikh pegawai itu layak dinaikkan pangkat mengikut skim
perkhidmatannya, yang mana terkemudian.
(3) Bagi kenaikan pangkat ke jawatan, kecuali jika skim perkhidmatan tidak
mensyaratkan sesuatu kenaikan pangkat adalah tertakluk kepada kekosongan
jawatan, tarikh kenaikan pangkat tidak boleh lebih awal daripada tarikh pegawai
itu diluluskan memangku jawatan itu atau pada tarikh jawatan hakiki itu kosong,
yang mana terkemudian.
(4) Bagi maksud peraturan ini—
(a) “kenaikan pangkat ke gred” ialah kenaikan pangkat ke mana-mana
gred dalam Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional dan Kumpulan
Sokongan; dan
(b) “kenaikan pangkat ke jawatan” ialah kenaikan pangkat ke mana-mana
jawatan dalam Kumpulan Pengurusan Tertinggi.
Penetapan gaji kenaikan pangkat
42. (1) Gaji yang diterima oleh seseorang pegawai yang dinaikkan pangkat
hendaklah lebih tinggi daripada gaji akhir yang diterima dalam gred terdahulu.
(2) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1)—
(a) jika gaji akhir dalam gred terdahulu adalah kurang daripada gaji
minimum dalam gred kenaikan pangkat, dan perbezaan itu adalah
sama dengan atau lebih daripada satu pergerakan gaji biasa dalam
gred terdahulu, pegawai itu hendaklah dibayar gaji minimum dalam
gred kenaikan pangkat itu;
(b) jika gaji akhir dalam gred terdahulu kurang daripada gaji minimum
dalam gred kenaikan pangkat tetapi perbezaannya adalah kurang daripada
satu pergerakan gaji biasa dalam gred terdahulu, pegawai itu hendaklah
diletakkan pada mata gaji dalam gred kenaikan pangkat selepas mata
gaji minimum, supaya perbezaan antara gaji akhir dalam gred terdahulu
dan gaji barunya dalam gred kenaikan pangkat adalah sama atau lebih
daripada satu pergerakan gaji biasa dalam gred terdahulunya;
(c) jika gaji akhir dalam gred terdahulu sama atau lebih tinggi daripada
gaji minimum dalam gred kenaikan pangkat, pegawai itu hendaklah
dibayar gaji pada satu mata gaji yang lebih tinggi berhampiran dengan
P.U. (A) 176. 858
gaji akhir yang diterimanya dalam gred terdahulu dan perbezaan gaji
antara gaji kenaikan pangkat dan gaji dalam gred terdahulu hendaklah
tidak kurang daripada satu pergerakan gaji biasa dalam gred terdahulu
(3) Jika seseorang pegawai dinaikkan pangkat pada tarikh yang sama dengan
tarikh pergerakan gaji pegawai itu dalam jawatan terdahulunya, pergerakan gaji
jawatan terdahulunya, jika ada, hendaklah diberi terlebih dahulu, sebelum
menentukan gaji permulaan dalam jawatan kenaikan pangkat.
Tarikh pergerakan gaji jawatan kenaikan pangkat
43. Tarikh pergerakan gaji tahunan seseorang pegawai yang dinaikkan pangkat
hendaklah ditentukan mengikut tarikh kenaikan pangkatnya berkuat kuasa mengikut
subperaturan 25(1).
Pemangkuan dan penanggungan kerja
44. Seseorang pegawai, apabila dikehendaki demi kepentingan perkhidmatan,
boleh, tertakluk kepada kelulusan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan, diarah memangku
atau menanggung kerja tugas jawatan lain.
Elaun pemangkuan dan penanggungan kerja
45. Seseorang pegawai yang telah diluluskan memangku atau menanggung
kerja tugas jawatan lain layak dibayar elaun pemangkuan atau elaun penanggungan
kerja mengikut peraturan yang sedang berkuat kuasa.
Penamatan perkhidmatan pegawai yang belum disahkan
46. Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh menamatkan perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai
yang belum disahkan dalam perkhidmatannya jika pegawai itu telah—
(a) menyembunyikan apa-apa maklumat tentang kesihatannya dalam borang
pemeriksaan perubatan;
(b) membuat akuan palsu dalam akuan berkanun sebagaimana yang
dikehendaki oleh perenggan 19(1)(b);
(c) tidak mematuhi kehendak dalam perenggan 19(1)(c);
(d) memalsukan apa-apa dokumen yang berhubungan dengan pelantikannya;
(e) gagal tapisan keselamatan.
859 P.U. (A) 176.
Penamatan perkhidmatan pegawai yang gagal disahkan
47. (1) Tertakluk kepada subperaturan (2), Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh
menamatkan perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai dalam percubaan pada pelantikan
pertama yang telah gagal untuk disahkan dalam perkhidmatannya semasa tempoh
percubaan yang ditetapkan, sama ada tempoh percubaan asalnya atau yang
(2) Seseorang pegawai yang telah disahkan dalam perkhidmatan dalam skim
perkhidmatan terdahulu dan kemudiannya dilantik ke dalam skim perkhidmatan
baru tetapi gagal disahkan, boleh dibersarakan demi kepentingan awam di
bawah undang-undang pencen, jika pegawai itu telah dimasukkan ke dalam
perjawatan berpencen dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulu itu.
(3) Bagi maksud peraturan ini, perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai selain yang
disebut dalam subperaturan (1) dan (2) hendaklah ditamatkan sekiranya pegawai
itu tidak dapat dikembalikan ke dalam skim perkhidmatan terdahulunya mengikut
subperaturan 11(1).
(4) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1), “pelantikan pertama” ertinya pelantikan
kali pertama ke dalam perkhidmatan awam atau pelantikan semula seseorang
pegawai mengikut peraturan 7, 8 dan 9.
Kuasa menamatkan perkhidmatan
48. Kuasa yang boleh menamatkan perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai di bawah
peraturan 46 dan 47 hendaklah tidak rendah daripada pihak berkuasa yang
melantik atau lembaga pegawai yang telah diwakilkan dengan kuasa oleh
Suruhanjaya di bawah Fasal (6) Perkara 144 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Peluang untuk menunjukkan sebab
49. Perkhidmatan seseorang pegawai tidak boleh ditamatkan di bawah peraturan
46 atau 47 melainkan jika pegawai itu telah diberi peluang untuk menunjukkan
sebab, dalam tempoh tidak kurang daripada empat belas hari dari tarikh penerimaan
notis untuk menunjukkan sebab, mengapa perkhidmatannya tidak boleh ditamatkan.
Notis penamatan perkhidmatan
50. (1) Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh menamatkan perkhidmatan seseorang
pegawai selepas memberinya suatu notis bertulis atau membayarnya sebulan
gaji sebagai ganti notis jika—
(a) pegawai itu tidak memberi jawapan kepada notis untuk menunjukkan
sebab di bawah peraturan 49 dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan; dan
(b) Yang di-Pertuan Agong berpuas hati bahawa tiada sebab yang munasabah
wujud untuk tidak menamatkan perkhidmatan pegawai itu.
(2) Bagi maksud peraturan 46 dan 47, tempoh notis bertulis yang dinyatakan
dalam subperaturan (1) adalah tiga puluh hari.
P.U. (A) 176. 860
(3) Walau apa pun subperaturan (2), bagi pegawai yang dilantik selain
pelantikan tetap, tempoh notis bertulis itu hendaklah—
(a) mengikut syarat pelantikan pegawai itu; atau
(b) jika tempoh itu tidak diperuntukkan dalam syarat pelantikannya, tiga
puluh hari.
Notis peletakan jawatan
51. (1) Tertakluk kepada peraturan 53, seseorang pegawai yang berhasrat untuk
meletakkan jawatan hendaklah mengemukakan notis bertulis—
(a) bagi seseorang pegawai yang dilantik selain pelantikan tetap, mengikut
syarat pelantikan pegawai itu, atau jika tempoh itu tidak diperuntukkan
dalam syarat pelantikannya, tiga puluh hari sebelum peletakan jawatan
itu berkuat kuasa atau sebulan gaji sebagai ganti notis;
(b) bagi seseorang pegawai dalam percubaan, tiga puluh hari sebelum
peletakan jawatan itu berkuat kuasa atau sebulan gaji sebagai ganti
notis; dan
(c) bagi seseorang pegawai yang telah disahkan dalam perkhidmatannya,
sembilan puluh hari sebelum peletakan jawatan itu berkuat kuasa atau
sebulan gaji sebagai ganti notis.
(2) Notis peletakan jawatan itu hendaklah dihantar oleh pegawai itu kepada
Ketua Perkhidmatan melalui Ketua Jabatan dan Ketua Perkhidmatan hendaklah
merekodkan dan memaklumkan Suruhanjaya yang berkenaan dan Ketua Pengarah
Perkhidmatan Awam akan peletakan jawatan pegawai itu.
(3) Ketua Perkhidmatan hendaklah kemudiannya menghantarkan surat akuan
terima kepada pegawai itu melalui Ketua Jabatan apabila menerima notis peletakan
jawatan itu.
Kuat kuasa notis peletakan jawatan
52. (1) Setiap peletakan jawatan hendaklah berkuat kuasa pada hari yang
berikutnya selepas hari yang notis diberikan oleh pegawai itu tamat.
(2) Peletakan jawatan yang telah berkuat kuasa tidak boleh ditarik balik.
Pemendekan notis peletakan jawatan
53. Ketua Jabatan boleh membenarkan tempoh notis peletakan jawatan manamana
pegawai dipendekkan atas mana-mana sebab yang berikut:
(a) pegawai itu menyandang mana-mana jawatan dalam sesuatu pihak
berkuasa berkanun, pihak berkuasa tempatan atau agensi lain yang
diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam;
861 P.U. (A) 176.
(b) pegawai atau pasangan, anak atau ibu bapa pegawai itu menghidapi
masalah kesihatan;
(c) pegawai itu menghadiri kursus atau latihan yang diluluskan oleh pihak
berkuasa yang berkenaan; atau
(d) apa-apa sebab lain yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan
Peletakan jawatan tidak perlu
54. Seseorang pegawai sesuatu perkhidmatan awam, sama ada bertaraf tetap
atau sementara, yang dilantik ke dalam perkhidmatan lain dalam perkhidmatan
awam tidak dikehendaki meletakkan jawatan, dengan syarat permohonan pegawai
itu untuk dilantik ke dalam perkhidmatan yang lain itu telah dikemukakan
mengikut peraturan 17 dan disokong oleh Ketua Jabatannya.
Pelantikan pegawai kontrak
55. Walau apa pun Bahagian II, Suruhanjaya boleh melantik seseorang pegawai
secara kontrak.
Penamatan perkhidmatan dan peletakan jawatan pegawai kontrak
56. Subperaturan 50(3) dan perenggan 51(1)(a) hendaklah terpakai bagi
penamatan perkhidmatan dan peletakan jawatan seseorang pegawai kontrak,
Umur dan tarikh lahir
57. (1) Jika sesuatu skim perkhidmatan menetapkan keperluan umur, maka
umur yang dimaksudkan itu ialah umur mengikut kalendar Gregorian.
(2) Bagi maksud subperaturan (1), umur seseorang itu ditentukan mengikut
peruntukan yang berikut:
(a) jika tarikh lahir sebenar diketahui, umur hendaklah mengikut tarikh
(b) jika hanya bulan yang diketahui, hari terakhir dalam bulan itu hendaklah
dianggap sebagai tarikh lahir;
P.U. (A) 176. 862
(c) jika hanya tahun yang diketahui, 31 Disember tahun itu hendaklah
dianggap sebagai tarikh lahir;
(d) jika tarikh lahir ialah 29 Februari, maka ulang tahun tarikh lahir orang
itu bagi tahun yang tidak mempunyai tarikh 29 Februari hendaklah
dianggap pada 1 Mac.
Umur persaraan
58. Umur persaraan bagi seseorang pegawai adalah seperti yang ditetapkan
oleh undang-undang pencen.
Kuasa Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam
59. (1) Kecuali kuasa yang diwakilkan kepadanya, Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan
Awam boleh, dari semasa ke semasa, secara bertulis, mewakilkan kuasanya di
bawah Peraturan-Peraturan ini kepada mana-mana pegawai.
(2) Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam boleh, dari semasa ke semasa, jika
perlu, mengeluarkan panduan untuk menjelaskan mana-mana peruntukan dalam
Peraturan-Peraturan ini.
Kecualian dan peralihan
60. (1) Tiada apa-apa pun dalam Peraturan-Peraturan ini boleh menyentuh
kesahihan dan kuat kuasa apa-apa keputusan yang dibuat berkenaan dengan
apa-apa perkara di bawah mana-mana Perintah Am terdahulu dan keputusan itu
hendaklah terus mempunyai kuat kuasa dan kesan sepenuhnya walau apa pun
apa-apa yang tidak konsisten atau bertentangan dengan apa-apa peruntukan
dalam Peraturan-Peraturan ini.
(2) Semua perkara dan prosiding yang masih belum selesai di hadapan
mana-mana Suruhanjaya sebelum berkuat kuasanya Peraturan-Peraturan ini
hendaklah terus diuruskan mengikut Perintah-Perintah Am Bab A (Lantikan dan
Kenaikan Pangkat) 1973 seolah-olah Perintah-Perintah Am itu tidak dibatalkan.
(3) Apa-apa panduan yang telah dikeluarkan sebelum berkuat kuasanya
Peraturan-Peraturan ini hendaklah terus terpakai selagi ia tidak bercanggah
dengan mana-mana peruntukan dalam Peraturan-Peraturan ini.
61. Perintah-Perintah Am Bab A (Lantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat) 1973 adalah
dimansuhkan kecuali Perintah Am 45 dan 49 yang hendaklah terus terpakai bagi
pegawai yang berada dalam Sistem Saraan Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet 1976.
863 P.U. (A) 176.
[perenggan 19(1)(c)]
Saya,.....................................No. Kad Pengenalan .......................................... beralamat
di..................................... dengan sesungguhnya berjanji bahawa saya akan mematuhi peruntukan
Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993, Perintah-Perintah Am, pekeliling
dan surat pekeliling, peraturan dan arahan lain yang dikeluarkan dan dikuatkuasakan oleh Kerajaan
dari semasa ke semasa sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan saya dengan Kerajaan. Maka dengan itu
saya berjanji, sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh peraturan 4 Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam
(Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993, bahawa saya—
(i) akan sentiasa taat kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, negara dan Kerajaan;
(ii) akan sentiasa melaksanakan tugas saya sebagai pegawai awam dengan cermat, bersungguhsungguh,
cekap, jujur, amanah dan bertanggungjawab;
(iii) tidak akan membelakangkan tugas awam demi kepentingan peribadi saya;
(iv) tidak akan berkelakuan dengan cara yang mungkin menyebabkan kepentingan peribadi
saya bercanggah dengan tugas awam saya;
(v) tidak akan berkelakuan dengan cara yang boleh menimbulkan syak yang munasabah
bahawa saya telah membiarkan kepentingan peribadi saya bercanggah dengan tugas
rasmi saya sehingga menjejaskan kegunaan saya sebagai pegawai awam;
(vi) tidak akan menggunakan kedudukan saya sebagai pegawai awam bagi faedah diri saya
(vii) tidak akan berkelakuan dengan cara yang boleh memburukkan atau mencemarkan nama
perkhidmatan awam;
(viii) tidak akan membawa atau cuba membawa sebarang bentuk pengaruh atau tekanan luar
untuk menyokong atau memajukan tuntutan saya atau tuntutan pegawai awam lain berhubung
dengan perkhidmatan awam; dan
(ix) tidak akan ingkar perintah atau berkelakuan dengan cara yang boleh ditafsirkan sebagai
ingkar perintah.
Saya sesungguhnya faham bahawa jika saya disabitkan kerana telah melanggar Aku Janji ini, saya
boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib mengikut Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan
Tatatertib) 1993.
...................................... ...................................
(Tandatangan Pegawai) (Jawatan Pegawai)
Di hadapan saya,
(Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan)
(Nama dan No. Kad Pengenalan Ketua Jabatan)
........................ ...................................
(Tarikh) (Cap Rasmi Jabatan)
P.U. (A) 176. 864
(peraturan 25)
Tarikh pelantikan Tarikh pergerakan gaji
1 Januari hingga 31 Mac 1 Januari tahun yang berikutnya
1 April hingga 30 Jun 1 April tahun yang berikutnya
1 Julai hingga 30 September 1 Julai tahun yang berikutnya
1 Oktober hingga 31 Disember 1 Oktober tahun yang berikutnya
(peraturan 27)
Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa ............................... No. Kad Pengenalan ...............................
telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan jujur, tekun dan berkebolehan dan saya berpuas hati dengan
sifat peribadi dan kelakuannya dan dengan ini memperakukannya untuk disahkan dalam perkhidmatan.
Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan : ...........................................................................................................
Nama Ketua Jabatan : ...................................................................................................................
Kementerian/Jabatan : ...................................................................................................................
Tarikh: ...............................
[subperaturan 28(4)]
Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa............................... No. Kad Pengenalan ...............................
belum dapat diperakukan untuk disyorkan bagi pengesahan dalam perkhidmatan dan dengan ini
mengesyorkan supaya tempoh percubaan pegawai ini dilanjutkan selama ………..bulan/tahun*
dengan denda/tanpa denda*. Pegawai belum dapat diperakukan bagi pengesahan dalam perkhidmatan
atas sebab-sebab yang berikut:
(a) tidak hadir/gagal* dalam kursus induksi;
(b) tidak hadir/gagal* dalam peperiksaan; (Sila nyatakan tarikh dan keputusan peperiksaan)
(c) sebab-sebab lain:
i. ...............................................................................................................................
ii. ...............................................................................................................................
iii. ...............................................................................................................................
Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan : .................................................................................................................
Nama Ketua Jabatan : ......................................................................................................................
Kementerian / Jabatan: .........................................................................................................................
*potong mana yang tidak berkenaan
865 P.U. (A) 176.
(peraturan 35)
Saya ............................ No. Kad Pengenalan ............................ yang dilantik sebagai............................
dalam perkhidmatan ............................ pada ............................ (tarikh) dengan ini bersetuju / tidak
2. Saya faham bahawa jika saya tidak memilih SKIM KUMPULAN WANG SIMPANAN PEKERJA,
atau mengembalikan borang ini tanpa menyatakan apa-apa pilihan atau menyatakan apa-apa syarat
kepada pilihan atau tidak mengembalikan borang opsyen ini mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan,
maka saya hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam skim berpencen mengikut Akta Pencen 1980.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang benar,
(Tandatangan Pegawai )
Disaksikan oleh : .................................. Nama: :.................................
No.Kad Pengenalan: ................
Tarikh....................... Jawatan: .................................
*potong mana yang tidak berkenaan
(peraturan 36)
Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa ................................. No. Kad Pengenalan .................................
telah disahkan dalam jawatannya yang sekarang dan telah genap tempoh selama tidak kurang
daripada .......... tahun perkhidmatan yang boleh dimasuk kira dan saya dengan ini memperakukan
pegawai ini untuk diberi taraf berpencen.
Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan : ...........................................................................................................
Nama Ketua Jabatan : ...................................................................................................................
Kementerian/Jabatan : ...................................................................................................................
Tarikh: ...........................................................
Dibuat 14 April 2005
Dengan Titah Perintah
Setiausaha Jemaah Menteri
P.U. (A) 176. 866
1. Citation and commencement
2. Application
3. Application of the appointment procedure
4. Interpretation
5. Appointment in accordance with scheme of service
6. Appointment for citizens only
7. Reappointment of a permanent officer who has resigned
8. Reappointment of an officer who has been medically boarded out
9. Reappointment of an officer who has been terminated or dismissed
10. Appointment of serving officers
11. Reversion to previous scheme of service
12. Secondment of officer
13. Temporary transfer
14. Recruitment procedure
15. Particulars of the post
16. Equivalent qualification
17. Application from serving officers
867 P.U. (A) 176.
18. Offer of appointment by Commission
19. Health examination and statutory declaration
20. Acceptance letter
21. Date of appointment
22. Date of permanent appointment for a temporary officer
23. Determination of initial salary
24. Initial salary in special cases
25. Annual salary movement
26. Probation period
27. Conditions for confirmation
28. Extension of probation period
29. Date of confirmation
30. Effect of an extension of the probation period with penalty
31. Notification of confirmation
32. Method of determining seniority
33. Seniority of an officer who reverts to his previous scheme of service
34. Seniority of an officer granted leave without pay
35. Option for Employees Provident Fund Scheme
36. Conferment of pensionable status
P.U. (A) 176. 868
37. The basis for promotion
38. Conditions for promotion
39. Promotion of an officer on secondment or temporary transfer
40. Advertisement of vacant promotional post
41. Date of promotion
42. Determination of promotional salary
43. Date of salary movement in the promotional post
44. Acting and covering
45. Acting and covering allowances
46. Termination of service of unconfirmed officer
47. Termination of service of officer who fails to be confirmed
48. Authority to terminate service
49. Opportunity to show cause
50. Notice of termination of service
51. Notice of resignation
52. The coming into effect of resignation notice
53. The shortening of resignation notice
54. Resignation is not required
55. Appointment of a contract officer
56. Termination of service and resignation of a contract officer
57. Age and date of birth
58. Retirement age
869 P.U. (A) 176.
59. Power of the Director General of Public Service
60. Savings and transitional
61. Repeal
P.U. (A) 176. 870
IN exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (2) of Article 132 of the Federal
Constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong makes the following regulations:
Citation and commencement
1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Public Officers (Appointment,
Promotion and Termination of Service) Regulations 2005.
(2) These Regulations come into operation on 1 May 2005.
2. Subject to the provisions of Part X of the Federal Constitution, these
Regulations shall apply to all appointments, promotions and terminations of
service in the public services.
Application of the appointment procedure
3. (1) The procedures specified in these Regulations for making appointments
to a public service under the jurisdiction of a Commission shall apply to all
permanent or temporary appointments, except for certain appointments that
have been exempted by the Commission.
(2) The appointment procedure for contract officers shall be determined by
the Director General of Public Service.
4. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—
“department” includes—
(a) a Ministry;
(b) a Federal Department at the federal, regional, state or district level
in the Federation;
(c) a Federal Department abroad; and
(d) any other entity in the public service as determined by the Director
General of Public Service;
871 P.U. (A) 176.
“promotion” means the substantive upgrading from one grade to a higher
grade within the same service and scheme of service with the approval of the
Promotion Board;
“Head of Department” means any officer who is heading a department or
Head of Service, as the case may be;
“Head of Service” means an officer who is heading a service;
“officer” means all categories of serving officers appointed by the Commission
on permanent, temporary or contract basis;
“appointment” means appointment to the public service by the Commission
on permanent, temporary or contract basis, including first appointment and
appointment of a serving officer in any scheme of service;
“acting”, in relation to a public officer, means performing the duties, on full
time basis, of another post which is of higher grade than the officer’s substantive
grade in the same scheme of service with the approval of the Promotion Board;
“covering”, in relation to a public officer, means performing the duties,
besides the officer’s own duties for a specified period, of another post which
has been approved by an appropriate authority;
“a registered medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner registered
under the Medical Act 1971 [Act 50];
“public service” means the public services of the Federation under paragraphs
(b), (c), ( d ) and (h) of Clause (1) of Article 132 of the Federal Constitution;
“temporary transfer” means the appointment of an officer to another service
under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (h) of Clause (1) of Article 132 of the
Federal Constitution or an appointment to a post in another scheme of service
under the same appointing authority for a specific period of time without
severing his tie with his previous service;
“secondment” means the appointment of an officer under paragraphs (a), (b),
(c), (d) and (h) of Clause (1) of Article 132 of the Federal Constitution to—
(a) a service under paragraph (f) of Clause (1) of Article 132 of the
Federal Constitution;
(b) statutory authorities;
(c) local authorities; or
(d) any organization in or outside Malaysia,
for a specific period of time without severing his tie with his previous service,
including an appointment of an officer under paragraph (f) of Clause (1) of
Article 132 of the Federal Constitution to a service of a statutory authority, local
authority or organization in or outside Malaysia;
P.U. (A) 176. 872
“Commission” means the Public Services Commission, the Judicial and
Legal Service Commission, the Police Force Commission and the Education
Service Commission, as the case may be.
Appointment in accordance with scheme of service
5. (1) All appointments to the public service shall be in accordance with the
conditions specified in the scheme of service for the time being in force.
(2) Subject to subregulation (1), if any condition specified in any scheme
of service needs to be amended, the Head of Department shall first obtain the
approval of the Director General of Public Service.
Appointment for citizens only
6. (1) All candidates for appointments to the public service must be citizens
of Malaysia.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may, on
the ground of national interest, allow the appointment of non-citizens on contract
basis and the provisions in Part X shall apply to such officers.
Reappointment of a permanent officer who has resigned
7. A permanent officer who has resigned shall not be reappointed to the public
service except with the special permission of the Commission, after considering
a report from the Head of Department where the officer served prior to his
resignation regarding the reasons of his resignation.
Reappointment of an officer who has been medically boarded out
8. (1) An officer who has been medically boarded out may be reappointed to
the public service if he has been confirmed to be medically fit and capable of
performing his duties satisfactorily by a medical panel established on the request
of the Commission.
(2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), the medical panel shall comprise
not less than two registered medical practitioners, one of whom is a specialist
in the disease which the officer suffered from.
Reappointment of an officer who has been terminated or dismissed
9. An officer who has been terminated or dismissed shall not be reappointed
to the public service except with the special permission of the Commission.
873 P.U. (A) 176.
Appointment of serving officers
10. A serving officer may be appointed to a post in another scheme of service
if he complies with the conditions required by the other scheme of service.
Reversion to previous scheme of service
11. (1) An officer who has been confirmed in his previous scheme of service
before being appointed to another scheme of service may be allowed by the
Commission to revert to his previous scheme of service upon failure to be
confirmed in the other scheme of service.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Commission may allow the officer
to revert to his previous scheme of service within a period of three years from
the date of the coming into force of his appointment to the other scheme of
service if—
(a) there is a vacancy of post in his previous scheme of service;
(b) his failure to be confirmed is not due to his unsatisfactory conduct;
(c) the approval of the appropriate Head of Service is obtained.
(3) For the purpose of subregulation (1), such officer shall be given the same
salary point that he received the day prior to the date he was appointed to the
other scheme of service.
Secondment of officers
12. (1) An officer may, with the concurrence of the officer himself and of his
Head of Department and with the approval of the Commission, be seconded,
subject to such conditions and for such term as may be determined by the Yang
di-Pertuan Agong, to any public service of a State, statutory authority, local
authority or any organization, in or outside Malaysia.
(2) An officer of a public service of a State service may be considered by
the Commission to be seconded to the public service subject to such conditions
and for such term as may be determined by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Temporary transfer
13. An officer may, with the approval of the Commission, be appointed on
temporary transfer to any post in the public service subject to such conditions
and for such term as may be determined by the Director General of Public
P.U. (A) 176. 874
Recruitment procedure
14. (1) Any recruitment of officers to a public service shall be advertised in
at least one daily Malay language newspaper.
(2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), the advertisement shall state among
other things—
(a) the title of the post and the status of appointment;
(b) the name of the scheme of service;
(c) particulars of the salary;
(d) the required academic and other qualifications;
(e) the citizenship’s status of the applicant;
(f) the closing date for applications; and
(g) the address to which applications should be sent.
(3) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Commission may in special
circumstances use any other method as it thinks proper.
Particulars of the post
15. (1) In every recruitment exercise, the Head of Department shall inform the
Commission the particulars of the post as follows:
(a) the number of vacancies which need to be filled up;
(b) the number of reserved candidates required;
(c) special conditions if required; and
(d) the description of the duties and responsibilities of the vacant post.
(2) If the qualifications or other conditions in the scheme of service of the
vacant post need to be amended for the recruitment exercise, the Head of
Department shall first obtain the approval of the Director General of Public
Service before informing the Commission as required by subregulation (1).
Equivalent qualification
16. Where any doubt arise in any scheme of service or advertisement of any
vacancies regarding the meaning of equivalent qualification, it shall be referred
to the Director General of Public Service for determination.
875 P.U. (A) 176.
Application from serving officers
17. Applications from serving officers shall be submitted to the Commission
through the Head of Department who shall forward the applications to the
Commission together with the required particulars of service and the comments
of the Head of Department as to whether or not he supports the application.
Offer of appointment by Commission
18. (1) The Commission shall make an offer of appointment to successful
candidates through the Head of Department and shall also inform the unsuccessful
(2) The Commission may direct the Head of Department to make an offer
of appointment to the successful candidates on its behalf, and the Head of
Department who has been so directed shall send to the Commission a copy of
the offer of appointment letter which has been issued by the Head of Department.
(3) Every letter of offer of appointment shall set out the service information
specified by the Commission.
Health examination and statutory declaration
19. (1) Every candidate who is to be appointed to the public service shall
comply with the following conditions:
(a) he must be examined and certified to be fit to serve by a registered
medical practitioner;
(b) he must make a statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations
Act 1960 [Act 13] that he—
(i) does not have any criminal record;
(ii) has never been dismissed;
(iii) is not a drug addict;
(iv) does not possess foreign citizenship; and
(v) is not a bankrupt.
(c) he must sign the Letter of Undertaking as specified in the First Schedule
that he shall comply with the provisions of the Public Officers (Conduct
and Discipline) 1993 [P.U. (A) 395/1993], General Orders, circulars,
circular letters, regulations and other orders issued by the Yang
di-Pertuan Agong from time to time throughout his period of service
with the Government.
(2) The Commission may revoke the offer of appointment if the candidate
is found to be unfit after being examined in accordance with paragraph (1)(a)
or does not comply with any of the conditions mentioned in paragraphs (1)(b)
and (c).
P.U. (A) 176. 876
(3) For the purpose of subregulation (2), any candidate who had already
commenced service may be paid any emolument for the period of his service.
(4) A serving officer who has complied with the conditions of subregulation
(1) may be required to comply with those conditions again when appointed to
another scheme of service.
(5) For the purpose of appointments under subregulation 6(2), the condition
under paragraph (1)(b)(iv) is not applicable to the officer.
Acceptance letter
20. The Head of Department shall send to the Commission the acceptance
letter to the offer of appointment from the candidate together with the certification
by the registered medical practitioner, the statutory declaration and the Letter
of Undertaking required under the provisions of paragraphs 19(1)(a), (b) and
(c), respectively, and shall inform the Commission the date the candidate reports
for duty.
Date of appointment
21. The date of appointment of an officer to the public service is the date he
reports for duty unless otherwise determined by the Commission.
Date of permanent appointment for a temporary officer
22. Where a temporary officer who complies with all the conditions specified
for any scheme of service is appointed to fill any permanent post which is
vacant in such scheme of service, the date of appointment of the officer to that
permanent post shall be the date the Commission meets and approves the
permanent appointment.
Determination of initial salary
23. (1) The Commission shall determine the initial salary of an officer.
(2) If an officer to be appointed for the first time possesses the experience
relevant to the post he is going to hold, he may be granted a higher initial salary
based on one normal salary movement for every one year of the relevant
(3) The experience considered to be relevant for an officer in the Managerial
and Professional Group is the experience obtained after the officer has acquired
his professional or academic qualifications as determined in the appropriate
scheme of service.
877 P.U. (A) 176.
(4) Subregulations (2) and (3) shall also apply—
(a) in determining the initial salary of an unconfirmed officer who is
subsequently appointed to another scheme of service; and
(b) in determining the initial salary of an officer who is reappointed in
accordance with regulation 9.
(5) Where a confirmed officer is subsequently appointed to another scheme
of service, the initial salary of the officer shall be at a higher salary point as
shall be determined by the Commission.
Initial salary in special cases
24. Notwithstanding regulation 23, the Commission may determine that the
initial salary for a candidate or an appointed officer shall be at any salary point
for a particular post after taking into consideration—
(a) the special qualification or talent of the candidate or appointed officer;
(b) the special circumstances related to the appointment of the candidate
or appointed officer.
Annual salary movement
25. (1) The date of the annual salary movement of permanent and temporary
officers shall be as set out in the Second Schedule.
(2) The date of the annual salary movement of an officer who is on secondment
or temporary transfer shall be as determined by the Commission.
(3) The annual salary movement of an officer shall be based on the officer’s
annual work performance or such other conditions as may be determined by the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong from time to time.
Probation period
26. (1) An officer appointed to the public service is required to serve on
probation for a period of one to three years.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Commission may, in special
circumstances, shorten the probation period of an officer or exempt an officer
from the probation period.
P.U. (A) 176. 878
Conditions for confirmation
27. (1) An officer on probation who has complied with all the conditions
specified in the scheme of service or such other conditions as may be determined
by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong from time to time, is eligible for confirmation
in his service.
(2) The Head of Department shall submit to the Commission the certification
in the form set out in the Third Schedule for the confirmation of an officer under
his control within a period of one month from the date the officer is found to
be eligible for confirmation.
(3) If the Head of Department fails to submit the certification for the
confirmation of an officer in accordance with subregulation (2), the officer may
apply to the Commission to be confirmed and a copy of the application shall
be sent to the Head of Department.
(4) After receiving the application under subregulation (3), the Commission
may conduct an investigation and upon completion of the investigation confirm
the officer if it finds him to be eligible for confirmation.
Extension of probation period
28. (1) The Commission may extend the probation period of an officer whether
with or without penalty.
(2) An officer who is not confirmed in his service within the prescribed
period shall submit an application for the extension of his probation period to
the Commission through his Head of Department within a period of three
months after the expiry of his probation period.
(3) The Head of Department shall immediately certify an officer’s application
for the extension of the officer’s probation period made in accordance with
subregulation (2) to the Commission.
(4) For the purpose of subregulation (3), the Head of Department shall
submit the application in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, stating the
following particulars:
(a) reasons for the officer not being confirmed;
(b) his recommendation on whether the extension of the probation period
should be given or not, and if it is to be given, whether with or without
(c) the officer’s up-to-date particulars of service; and
(d) the list of examinations, if any, that the officer has sat for, and the
dates and results of the examinations.
(5) The Commission shall only approve the extension of the probation period
certified in accordance with subregulations (3) and (4) if there are reasonable
grounds for believing that the officer will be able to comply with the conditions
for his confirmation during the extended period and the Head of Department
recommends that the probation period of the officer should be extended.
879 P.U. (A) 176.
(6) The probation period of an officer may only be extended for not more
than two years, but the Commission may in special circumstances extend the
probation period for more than two years if it thinks fit.
(7) Any decision made by the Commission in respect of an application for
the extension of the probation period of an officer shall be conveyed to the
officer by the Commission within a period of one month from the date of the
Date of confirmation
29. (1) The date of confirmation in service of an officer who has successfully
completed his original or extended probation period is the first day after the
date he has complied with all the prescribed conditions.
(2) An officer shall be deemed to be on probation until he is confirmed by
the Commission, even though he has already complied with all the conditions
prescribed for the confirmation.
Effect of an extension of the probation period with penalty
30. An officer whose probation period is extended with penalty shall –
(a) lose his seniority for a period equal to the extended period; and
(b) not be eligible for any annual salary movement during his extended
probation period with penalty; and
(c) have the date of his salary movement changed according to the date
of his confirmation.
Notification of confirmation
31. The Commission shall immediately notify an officer of his confirmation
through his Head of Department.
Method of determining seniority
32. (1) The seniority of an officer is determined as follows:
(a) for an officer in an appointment grade, according to the date the
officer was appointed permanently; and
(b) for an officer in a promotional grade, according to the date the officer
holds the grade substantively.
(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), where two or more officers are appointed
permanently or promoted to the same grade in the same scheme of service on
the same date, the seniority of the officers are deemed to be equal.
P.U. (A) 176. 880
Seniority of an officer who reverts to his previous scheme of service
33. An officer who reverts to his previous scheme of service in accordance
with subregulation 11(1) loses his seniority for the period he remains outside
his previous scheme of service.
Seniority of an officer granted leave without pay
34. An officer who is granted unpaid leave, other than unpaid study leave,
loses his seniority for the period he is on such leave.
Option for Employees Provident Fund Scheme
35. An officer who wishes to opt for the Employees Provident Fund Scheme
as provided for under section 6A of the Pensions Act 1980 [Act 227] shall
exercise his option by using the form as set out in the Fifth Schedule.
Conferment of pensionable status
36. (1) An officer who has not opted for the Employees Provident Fund Scheme
in accordance with regulation 35 is eligible to be conferred with pensionable
status in accordance with the pensions laws.
(2) Whenever an officer becomes eligible to be conferred with pensionable
status, the officer’s Head of Department shall submit his certification, in the
form set out in the Sixth Schedule, to the Commission, together with the form
set out in the Fifth Schedule duly signed by the officer.
The basis for promotion
37. (1) The promotion of an officer is based on merit.
(2) In considering an officer for promotion, the Promotion Board shall take
into consideration—
(a) the officer’s work efficiency and performance;
(b) the officer’s qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience;
(c) the officer’s personal characteristics, including his suitability for the
promotional post, integrity, potential and leadership; and
(d) the officer’s extramural activities and contributions to the country and
881 P.U. (A) 176.
(3) In addition to the matters mentioned in subregulation (2), the Promotion
Board may consider any other aspect which it thinks relevant.
(4) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), if two or more officers are to be
adjudged equal in terms of merit, the academic qualifications or working experience
related to the promotional post as well as the seniority of the officers shall also
be a basis for selection and taken into consideration.
Conditions for promotion
38. Notwithstanding the provision of regulation 37, an officer may only be
considered for promotion if he has complied with all the conditions specified
in his scheme of service and if there is a vacancy in the promotional post, unless
the scheme of service provides otherwise.
Promotion of an officer on secondment or temporary transfer
39. Where an officer is on secondment in accordance with subregulation 12(1)
or temporary transfer in accordance with regulation 13 and has complied with
all the conditions for promotion, he shall be considered in any promotion
exercise conducted in relation to his substantive scheme of service.
Advertisement of vacant promotional post
40. (1) If the appropriate Promotion Board is of the opinion that a vacancy in
a promotional post shall be filled by inviting eligible applicants from a particular
service under a particular department only, the Head of Department shall advertise
the vacancy through a departmental circular.
(2) If there is a vacancy in a promotional post which does not require an
advertisement, the Head of Department shall make a certification to the appropriate
Promotion Board for the filling of the vacancy by certifying eligible officers,
according to the scheme of service, for consideration.
(3) For the purpose of subregulation (2), the Head of Department may
certify to the Promotion Board any extra conditions to be imposed so as to
obtain a more reasonable number of suitably qualified officers.
Date of promotion
41. (1) Subject to subregulations (2) and (3), the date of promotion for an
officer is the date determined by the appropriate Promotion Board.
(2) The date of promotion to a grade shall not be earlier than the date of
vacancy or the date the officer is eligible to be promoted according to his
scheme of service, whichever is the later.
(3) For a promotion to a post, except if the scheme of service does not
stipulate a promotion to be subjected to a vacancy in a post, the date of
promotion shall not be earlier than the date the officer is approved to act in
the post or the date the substantive post becomes vacant, whichever is the later.
P.U. (A) 176. 882
(4) For the purpose of this regulation—
(a) “a promotion to a grade” is a promotion to any grade in the Managerial
and Professional Group and the Supporting Group; and
(b) “a promotion to a post” is a promotion to any post in the Top Management
Determination of promotional salary
42. (1) The salary received by an officer who has been promoted shall be
higher than the last-drawn salary received in the previous grade.
(2) For the purpose of subregulation (1)—
(a) if the last-drawn salary in the previous grade is less than the minimum
salary in the promotional grade, and the difference is equal to or more
than one normal salary movement in the previous grade, the officer
shall be paid the minimum salary in the promotional grade;
(b) if the last-drawn salary in the previous grade is less than the minimum
salary in the promotional grade but the difference is less than one
normal salary movement in the previous grade, the officer shall be
placed at the salary point in the promotional grade subsequent to the
minimum point such that the difference between his last-drawn salary
in the previous grade and his new salary in the promoted grade is
equal to or more than one normal salary movement in his previous
(c) if the last-drawn salary in the previous grade is equal to or higher than
the minimum salary in the promotional grade, the officer shall be paid
a salary at a salary point of highest nearest with the last-salary drawn
in the previous grade and the difference between the salary in the
promotional grade and the salary in the previous grade shall be not
less than one normal salary movement in the previous grade.
(3) Where an officer is promoted on the same date as the date of his salary
movement in his previous post, the salary movement in his previous post, if
any, must be given first before determining the initial salary in the promotional
Date of salary movement in the promotional post
43. The date of annual salary movement of an officer who is promoted shall
be determined in accordance with the date on which his promotion comes into
force according to subregulation 25(1).
Acting and covering
44. An officer, whenever required in the interest of the service, may, subject
to the approval of the appropriate authority, be directed to act or to cover the
duties of another post.
883 P.U. (A) 176.
Acting and covering allowances
45. An officer who has been approved to act or to cover the duties of another
post is eligible to be paid acting or covering allowance in accordance with the
regulations for the time being in force.
Termination of service of unconfirmed officer
46. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may terminate the service of an officer who
has not been confirmed in his service if he has—
(a) concealed any information regarding his health in the medical
examination form;
(b) made false declaration in the statutory declaration as required by
paragraph 19(1)(b);
(c) failed to comply with the requirement in paragraph 19(1)(c);
(d) falsified any document relating to his appointment; or
(e) failed the security vetting.
Termination of service of officer who fails to be confirmed
47. (1) Subject to subregulation (2), the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may terminate
the service of an officer on probation on first appointment who has failed to
be confirmed in his service during the prescribed probation period, whether his
original or extended probation period.
(2) An officer who has already been confirmed in service in the previous
scheme of service and is subsequently appointed to a new scheme of service
but fails to be confirmed, may be retired in the public interest under the
pensions law, if he has been emplaced on the pensionable establishment in the
previous scheme of service.
(3) For the purpose of this regulation, the service of an officer other than
those mentioned in subregulations (1) and (2) shall be terminated if he is not
able to revert to his previous scheme of service according to subregulation
(4) For the purpose of subregulation (1), “first appointment” means the first
appointment to the public service or the reappointment of an officer in accordance
with regulations 7, 8 and 9.
Authority to terminate service
48. The authority which may terminate the service of an officer under regulations
46 and 47 shall not be lower than the appointing authority or the board of
officers which has been delegated with the authority by the Commission under
Clause (6) of Article 144 of the Federal Constitution.
P.U. (A) 176. 884
Opportunity to show cause
49. The service of an officer shall not be terminated under regulation 46 or
47 unless he has been given the opportunity to show cause, within a period of
not less than fourteen days from the date of receipt of a notice to show cause,
as to why his service shall not be terminated.
Notice of termination of service
50. (1) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may terminate the service of an officer
after giving him a written notice or one month salary in lieu of the notice if—
(a) the officer has not responded to the notice to show cause under
regulation 49 within the specified period; and
(b) the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that no reasonable ground
exists for not terminating the service of the officer.
(2) For the purpose of regulations 46 and 47, the period of the written notice
referred to in subregulation (1) is thirty days.
(3) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), for an officer appointed other than
to the permanent appointment, the period of the written notice shall be—
(a) according to the terms of his appointment; or
(b) if the period is not provided for in the terms of his appointment, thirty
Notice of resignation
51. (1) Subject to regulation 53, an officer who wishes to resign shall submit
a written notice—
(a) for an officer appointed other than to the permanent appointment,
according to the terms of his appointment or if the period is not
provided for in the terms of his appointment, thirty days before the
resignation is to take effect or one month salary in lieu of notice;
(b) for an officer on probation, thirty days before the resignation is to
take effect or one month salary in lieu of notice; and
(c) for an officer who has been confirmed in his service, ninety days
before the resignation is to take effect or one month salary in lieu of
notice .
(2) The notice of resignation shall be sent by the officer to the Head of
Service through the Head of Department and the Head of Service shall record
and inform the appropriate Commission and the Director General of Public
Service of the resignation of the officer.
(3) The Head of Service shall subsequently send an acknowledgement letter
to the officer through the Head of Department upon receipt of the resignation
885 P.U. (A) 176.
The coming into effect of resignation notice
52. (1) Each resignation shall take effect on the day following the day on
which the notice given by an officer expires.
(2) The resignation which has come into effect shall not be withdrawn.
The shortening of resignation notice
53. The Head of Service may allow the period of the notice of resignation of
any officer to be shortened on any of the following grounds:
(a) the officer is holding any post in a statutory authority, local authority
or other agency approved by the Director General of the Public Service;
(b) the officer or a spouse, child or parent of the officer is suffering from
health problems;
(c) the officer is attending a course or training approved by the appropriate
authority; or
(d) any other ground approved by the Director General of the Public
Resignation is not required
54. An officer of a public service, whether on permanent or temporary status,
who is appointed to another service in the public services is not required to
resign, provided that his application to be appointed to that service has been
submitted according to regulation 17 and is supported by his Head of Department.
Appointment of a contract officer
55. Notwithstanding Part II, the Commission may appoint an officer on contract
Termination of service and resignation of a contract officer
56. Subregulation 50(3) and paragraph 51(1)(a) shall apply to the termination
of service and resignation, respectively, of a contract officer.
Age and date of birth
57. (1) Where a scheme of service specifies an age requirement, then the age
referred to is the age according to the Gregorian calendar.
P.U. (A) 176. 886
(2) For the purpose of subregulation (1), the age of a person is determined
in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) if the actual date of birth is known, the age shall be according to that
(b) if only the month is known, the last day of the month shall be deemed
to be the date of birth;
(c) if only the year is known, 31 December of that year shall be deemed
to be the date of birth;
(d) if the date of birth is 29 February, then the birthday anniversary of
the person for the year which does not have 29 February shall be
deemed to be 1 March.
Retirement age
58. The retirement age of an officer is as determined by the pensions laws.
Power of the Director General of Public Service
59. (1) Except for power which has been delegated to him, the Director General
of Public Service may, from time to time, in writing, delegate his power under
these Regulations to any officer.
(2) The Director General of Public Service may, from time to time, if
necessary, issue guidelines to clarify any provision in these Regulations.
Savings and transitional
60. (1) Nothing in these Regulations shall affect the validity and operation of
any decision made in respect of any matter under previous General Orders and
such decision shall continue to have full force and effect notwithstanding anything
inconsistent with or contrary to any provision in these Regulations.
(2) All matters and proceedings which were pending before any Commission
prior to the commencement of these Regulations shall continue to be dealt with
in accordance with the General Orders Chapter A (Appointments and Promotions)
1973 as if those General Orders had not been repealed.
(3) Any guidelines issued prior to the coming into operation of these Regulations
shall continue to be applicable in so far as it is not contrary to any of the
provisions in these Regulations.
61. The General Orders Chapter A (Appointments and Promotions) 1973 are
revoked except for General Orders 45 and 49 which shall continue to be applicable
to officers who are in the Special Cabinet Committee 1976 Remuneration
887 P.U. (A) 176.
[paragraph 19(1)(c)]
I, .................................................. Identity Card No. .................. having an address at
............................................................, do solemnly and truly declare that I shall comply with the
provisions of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993, General Orders,
circulars and circular letters, regulations and orders issued and enforced by the Government from
time to time throughout the period of my service with the Government. I hereby undertake, as
required by regulation 4 of the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993,
that I—
(i) shall at all times give my loyalty to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the country and the
(ii) shall at all times be meticulous, dedicated, efficient, honest, trustworthy and responsible
in performing my duty as a public officer;
(iii) shall not subordinate my public duty to my private interests;
(iv) shall not conduct myself in such manner as is likely to bring my private interests into
conflict with my public duties;
(v) shall not conduct myself in such manner as is likely to cause a reasonable suspicion that
I have allowed my personal interests to come into conflict with my official duty so as
to impair my usefulness as a public officer;
(vi) shall not use my public position for my personal advantage;
(vii) shall not conduct myself in such manner as is likely bring the public service into
disrepute or to bring discredit thereto;
(viii) shall not bring or attempt to bring any form of outside influence or pressure to support
or advance my claim or that of other public officers relating to the public service; and
(ix) shall not be insubordinate or conduct myself in such manner as is likely be construed
as being insubordinate.
I fully understand that if I am found to have committed a breach of this undertaking, I shall be
liable to disciplinary action in accordance with the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline)
Regulations 1993.
.................................... ....................................
(Signature of the Officer) (The Officer’s Designation)
Before me,
(Signature of the Head of Department)
(Name and Identity Card No. of the Head of Department)
.................................... ....................................
(Date) (Official Seal of Department)
P.U. (A) 176. 888
(regulation 25)
Date of appointment Date of salary movement
1 January to 31 March 1 January of the following year
1 April to 30 June 1
April of the following year
July to 30
September 1
July of the following year
1 October to 31 December 1
October of the following year
(regulation 27)
I hereby certify that ......................................................................................................................
Identity Card No..................................... has performed his duties honestly, diligently and capably
and that I am satisfied with his character and conduct and I hereby recommend him to be confirmed
in service.
Signature of the Head of Department : ........................................................................
Name of the Head of Department : ........................................................................
Ministry / Department : ........................................................................
Date: ....................................
[subregulation 28(4)]
I hereby certify that ........................................................, Identity Card No. ....................................
is not qualified to be recommended for confirmation in service and I hereby recommend that his
probation period be extended for ………………month/year* with/without penalty*. The officer is
not qualified to be recommended for confirmation in service due to the following reasons:
(a) non-attendance/non-performance* in induction course;
(b) non-attendance/non-performance* in examination (Please specify the dates and results
of the examinations);
(c) other reasons:
i. ........................................................................
ii. ........................................................................
iii. ........................................................................
Signature of the Head of Department: ..................................................
Name of the Head of Department: .......................................................
Ministry / Department: ...................................................................
Date: .....................................
* delete where inapplicable
889 P.U. (A) 176.
(regulation 35)
I ......................................................... Identity Card No. ............................... appointed as
............................... in .............................................................. service on .......... (date), hereby
agree/disagree* to opt for the EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND SCHEME.
2. I understand that if I do not opt for the EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND SCHEME, or
return this form without making any option or make an option with condition/s, or fail to return
the option form in accordance with the stipulated regulation, I shall be emplaced on pensionable
scheme in accordance with the Pensions Act 1980.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Officer’s Signature)
Date: ..............................................
Witnessed by: ............................ Name: ............................
Identity Card No: ............................
Date: ............................ Designation: ............................
* delete where inapplicable
(regulation 36)
I hereby certify that ........................................................, Identity Card No. ............................ has
been confirmed in his present appointment and has completed not less than ................ years’
reckonable service and I hereby recommend him to be conferred the pensionable status.
Signature of the Head of Department : ..................................................
Name of the Head of Department : ..................................................
Ministry / Department : ..................................................
Date : ....................................
Made 14 April 2005
By Command
Hakcipta Pencetak H Secretary to the Cabinet
Semua Hak Terpelihara. Tiada mana-mana bahagian jua daripada penerbitan ini boleh diterbitkan semula atau disimpan di dalam bentuk
yang boleh diperolehi semula atau disiarkan dalam sebarang bentuk dengan apa jua cara elektronik, mekanikal, fotokopi, rakaman dan/
atau sebaliknya tanpa mendapat izin daripada Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (Pencetak kepada Kerajaan Malaysia yang